Other Opportunities to Use Your Gifts

Ministries are FAITH in ACTION

Since the Second Vatican Council, the role of lay Catholics within the Church Community has changed markedly. Laypersons, who previously saw themselves as “less” than clergy and religious, now respond to their baptismal call to holiness by sharing their faith, time and talent within their parish community. We invite you and encourage you to offer your service to your parish community.

Participation in our parish ministries helps us to improve our role as a Community of LIGHT and LIFE.

Arts and Environment

Are you a designer, arraigner, wood worker, sewer, crafter, etc.? We are looking for parishioners who have special talents.

The goal of this ministry is to provide meaningful and artistic decorations for the sanctuary and worship area which will enhance the Sacred Liturgy and emphasize feasts of the liturgical year.

Liturgical and Music Ministries

Do you sing, play an instrument, want to be a lector, an Eucharistic Minister, or an Altar Server? We would love to use your talents to enhance our Sacred Liturgy.

Online Parishioner Directory

This ministry entails obtaining information about each parishioner (photos and names) and keeping all the information updated online.

Altar Care or Landscape Committee

We are looking for people to help with cleaning altar linens and cloths or washing altar server clothing. We are also looking for people to help with weeding and gardening our church property.

If you would like to participate in any ministry, please call the Parish Office at (315) 696-5140